Sunday, August 6, 2017

Reflections From Sunday Evening

When I began preaching a number of years ago I was in seminary and preaching at a little church on Sunday's.  I don't remember how I prepared but have some remembrance of putting the finishing touches on a sermon outline on Saturday night.
Sometime after finishing seminary I heard someone teach, or read something, that persuaded me to make Thursday my sermon writing day.  To this day the majority of the sermons I write are done on Thursday.
A few years ago there was another step in preaching development.  The seeds were sown when I was a district superintendent and one of our district's preachers always worked a week ahead.  She would be writing the sermon she would preach in two weeks was able to stay ahead in her preparation.
When I read an Andy Stanley book on preaching and listened to him I gave serious thought to working ahead.  Since we preach series it lends itself to developing a series outline and writing the sermons at least two or maybe three weeks ahead.
I told you that to tell you this.  Cindy and I are getting ready for a few days off and I am going to try to get away from the norm.  Our church is blessed with good communicators.  Pastor Jacob will be preaching this month while I take the time to get ready for our fall series.
Advance preparation.  That is actually a good idea whether you are talking about preaching or anything else you do.  Teachers practice advance preparation.  Coaches practice advance preparation. Business managers practice advance preparation.
There are other ways we do advance preparation.  When we devote our lives to prayer and searching the scriptures we are practicing advance preparation for the new thing God is planning.
We may do this on a daily basis.  What would it be like to begin your day with prayer and conclude your prayers with "God, I look for what you want to offer me this day."  You have just prepared yourself for the new work of grace God has in store.
Get prepared.  God is moving in your life.

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