Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Stimulus Checks

I got a letter telling me a "stimulus check" would be coming soon. Has anyone already received theirs'? So many of us have money coming. Have you thought about what to do with it?

Since you asked let me offer a thought. You are receiving "unexpected" money. You had not planned on it. It will merely show up. So you have some freedom in how to use it. Here is my thought. Why not tithe on your stimulus check? Some people have been thinking about beginning to tithe but just cannot see how to do it. Well here is your chance. This is money you had not counted on so feel free to experiment with tithing!

While you keep asking here is another thought. Why not tithe to the church and mark it for our "Rain Garden" project? The west parsonage has some water issues and the trustees are in the process of working on them. One project includes a rain garden on the south side of the parsonage. If you will tithe (10% of the total -- I guess I forgot to say that) on your stimulus check and designate the amount to the rain garden project we will pay for it without using funds from the trustees' budget. That would be a great thing.

So here is your chance. Take the first step in tithing. Do something for the church and the environment.

Maybe tithing is not on your radar screen right now. Giving is always on a Christians mind. So I invite you to make a donation to the rain garden project whether it represents a tithe or not.


Unknown said...

Great idea! In addition to giving 10% of our "stimulus check" for the church's rain garden anyone who needs one or more rain gardens on their own property to protect run off to our sewer systems, streams or their neighbors basement can think about adding one at home. We have one rain garden and we need to add two more at our house. Other ideas to save the environment and our future pocket books are replacing incandescent light bulbs.

Steve Breon said...

Great ideas. The more we dream the more difference we can make.