Sunday, June 7, 2020

Reflections (no accidents)

You are not an accidental disciple.  You did not become a follower of Jesus Christ by some cosmic accident.  It is no accident that you love God.  It is no accident that the Holy Spirit dwells in you.  It is no accident that Jesus Christ has given you life.
No accidents in discipleship.
It is also not that you have earned your status as a disciple.  You did not earn the love of God the Father, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit nor a relationship with Jesus, your savior.
It is not an accident that you find yourself living in this place and time.  It is no accident that you have a sphere of influence where some people listen to you and watch you.  It is no accident that you have ministry and service to share.
You find life as you remain in relationship with Jesus. (John 15:4)  You bear fruit as you remain in relationship with Jesus. (same verse!)
I encourage you to be confident in the Lord.  Those remaining (old word - abide) in Christ will ask what they want and it will be done for them. "  (John 15:7) 
That one  may take some thought.  Who hasn't asked for a good grade, a parking spot, or a million dollars, and been turned down?  That is not the point.
The point:  You are chosen.  (John 15:16).
You are chosen through the Cross of Jesus.  Everyone is chosen at the Cross!
You have been chosen through God's love and your faith.
You have been chosen to know God.
You have been chosen to be fruitful.
You have been chosen to ask and receive.
This is not an accident.  Jesus was very intentional about going to the Cross.  He could have called an army of angels had he chosen and avoided the Cross.    (Matthew 26:53)
The Lord is very intentional about choosing you to come follow him.
The Lord is very intentional about living His life in yours.
During unsettled days and seasons of unrest, distrust, a coronavirus, and fear - you are not an accident.
You are a disciple. 
I wonder how a disciple lives today?  Let's find out.
This is the day the Lord has made.  Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

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