Friday, June 5, 2020

Reflections (Mom)

On May 3, 2020, my mom fell.  At first it did not seem too bad.  She was still getting around.  On May 12 mom was taken to the ER for x-rays.  She had developed more pain than was normal.  She was then admitted to the hospital with a broken hip.  On May 14 she had surgery to repair her hip.  The main purpose was pain management with the hope of returning her to her previous level of mobility.  She was taken to CICU.  On Sunday, May 17, her doctor recommended we consider hospice care.  On Monday May 18, mom was accepted to North Kansas City Hospice.  She spent nine nights there and peacefully passed away Wednesday morning, May 27.
It seems so strange to record such a challenging and yet blessed time in 7 sentences.  Cindy and I were able to spend many hours at mom's bedside.  I had not been physically with her since March 8.  We were able to bring John into her room via technology.  Our kids were able to come and offer their love and goodbye. 
I felt tremendously blessed to be able to spend that time watching, praying, and waiting.  Frankly, her passing, though sad, was also relief. 
My mother, Esther Lou Breon, was a great influencer of many people.  She was a school teacher.  She made a difference.  She was funny.  She loved to laugh.  She was smart.  She earned her Master's Degree in English from Central Missouri State University.  She loved people.  She loved life.  She loved God.
She played the piano for church, Trinity UMC in Appleton City, Mo.  She began at age 14 and continued until she and dad moved to Wexford Place in Kansas City in 2014.  She taught Bible Studies.  She taught Sunday School classes.  She envisioned and led a women's retreat for 15 years.  They brought national speakers to Appleton City and impacted the lives of many. 
That was my mom.
She took care of me.  She did not toss me aside when she probably should have!  I am convinced she prayed and loved me through adolescence and into a life in ministry.  I am eternally grateful.
I think I could write a book about my mom.  John and I have been blessed beyond measure by her grace and love. 
In this Covid-19 season, we have done things differently.  A small graveside service was held June 2.  We plan a celebration of life where all her family and friends may rejoice on Saturday June 17. 
In the meantime, I give thanks.
I did not keep my practice of daily blogs (devotions) over the last few days.  I wrote some while sitting in a hospice room.  Pretty distracting.
But then we felt God's grace.
I discovered all my fears about caring for my parents were unfounded.  That is truly the nature of worry.  Practically all the things we worry about never happen.  It was a blessed experience.  Check.
We marveled at the care mom received in hospice.  That was a continuation of all those who touched her life at Wexford as well as all who cared for her at the hospital.  Check.
When sadness settled, a joyful memory came.  Check.
When arrangements were made a sense of peace came.  Check.
When tears came laughter followed.  Check.
Now I see faith.  I have set aside all my "smart theological stuff".  I find images of the saints "gathered by the Crystal Sea" much more real than higher criticism biblical studies!
I find myself seeing mom and dad and all those who have gone before "caught up together" with the Lord. (I Thessalonians 4:17)
I find myself encouraged with the reality of life eternal and heaven.
I could go on for a long time.  But rather than merely ramble with all my thoughts, I will simply allow them to flow over and in me. 
I give thanks for Esther Lou (Dines) Breon.  Mom
This is the day the Lord has made.  We will rejoice and be glad in it.

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