Sunday, October 23, 2016

Reflections From Sunday Evening

A week ago Tayla sang "People Get Ready".  That may be a very appropriate message for us to consider as we anticipate moving into our new facility in a few weeks.  Through this process we have talked about the need to focus on our mission and our ministry and not depend on a building to magically draw new people to church.
Remember, in the movie Field of Dreams the first time Ray heard the voice in the cornfield it said "build it and HE will come".  The idea that "build it and they will come" is a killer for the church.
So our focus is on mission and ministry.  Furthermore we must establish new forms for reaching new people.  This is not a criticism of our existing ministries.  It is simply reality.  New people need new forms to draw and include them in the life of the church.  So let's be forward thinking.
The day will soon be here when things are going to feel differently.  Many of us will wonder what in the world happened to things that we were accustomed to!  Trust me.  It is going to be worth any cost we find ourselves paying to enhance the outreach of our church.
We are the people who will consist of a new core of faithful followers of Jesus.  We are the ones who will establish a culture that intentionally reaches out to un-churched people and invites them to discover a new relationship with Christ.
As "core" people what can we do?
First we will be involved.  Get on a team.  There is Hospitality, Tech, Care and others.  We need core people who are great "team players".
Secondly get in a group.  Many people have found and continue to find great meaning and fellowship in our adult Sunday School classes.  Keep making these stronger.  Invite others to join you.  But realize the majority of new people will need new groups to get connected.  That is great.  Core people are group people.
Third, be a percentage giver.  New people come for a season, then get committed to Christ and the church and then begin to give.  Core people must carry the burden for growth.  Be a percentage giver.
Fourth, invite people.  Invite your friends.  Encourage people to "come and see".  Invite people to discover something great through faith in Jesus.
This is nothing unique or new.  Other growing churches have found core groups who are the catalyst for new ways of doing ministry and helping others come to faith.
I'm in!  I trust you will be as well.
It's been a great day.

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