Sunday, April 3, 2016

Reflections From Sunday Evening

At the movies. Frankly I am not a huge movie fan. I go to some movies. Cindy and I like to go. But we do limit what we see. For instance we avoid R rated movies. That certainly limits the choices. I am not a great fan of the movie industry. I am weary of something as culturally significant as films to continually provide gratuitous sex, violence and a constant stream of coarse language. So do I sound Puritanical enough for anyone to disregard what I have to say? With that little rant out of my system I continue. There are movies that touch my soul, make me laugh and help me become informed on issues. So I have this conflict going on. A movie that blessed me is Miracles From Heaven. I must say Jennifer Garner plays a different role from the one she played in Alias. It will not be critically acclaimed. You may or may not agree with the theology and or message. But if you are anything like me it will touch your heart. That is my movie report for the week. (or maybe forever). On another note... Royals and Mets. Tonight. ESPN. World Championship banner being raised. 'nough said. It's been a great day. I hope you've had a good day too. (Wonder if I should go see a funny movie before the Royals game?) blessings, steve

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