Sunday, December 27, 2015

Reflections From Sunday Evening

We are drawing toward the end of 2015. From the perspective of many it might be just as well! However it is still important to look for new learnings and places of spiritual growth. One thing that helps keep me going is reading. Like most people there does not always seem to be enough time or energy to read everything I want to read. By the time I read the Scripture - I read the Bible through this year and will get a fresh Bible to start again on January 1 - the necessary reading for sermon preparation and other ministry matters and newspapers, magazines and miscellaneous articles there still needs to be some time for a few good books. This year I enjoyed two John Grisham novels - Grey Mountain and Rogue Lawyer. I am not sure if Grisham is writing at his best but certainly enjoyable reads for his fans. "Vanishing Grace" by Philip Yancey is certainly worth reading. We need reminders of the grace that make all things new. In the last few years I have enjoyed reading Wendell Berry. The rural setting and era resonates with people like me who grew up in rural America. "Nathan Coulter" was an enjoyable read this year. I always try to keep up with a new Leonard Sweet book. This year I read "From Tablet to Table". Sweet has a way of engaging this technological age with some reminders of how we stay in touch with the living God. Pema Chodron wrote a book and the title was intriguing enough to draw me in. "Fail, Fail Again, Fail Better." I probably will not stay with this author - totally out of my area - but when we get anxious about not living into the success expectation of our culture it is good to know there is a place for risky living. I read a book seeking a spiritual awakening in America. Dutch Sheets writes "An Appeal to Heaven". Certainly something to think about. Currently I am reading Tim Keller's "The Reason for God". A very good book to share with our skeptical friends. I am also starting a book my brother gave me for Christmas. John Ortberg's "All the Places to Go" has already got my attention. He is talking about the open doors God sets before us and the adventure that beckons. I am eager to keep reading and look for the next open door God will set before me (us) in 2016. Today has been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too. steve

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