Sunday, December 20, 2015

Reflections From Sunday Evening

It seems like the sun comes up later and goes down earlier these days. But that will begin to change tomorrow (December 21, 2015) That is the Winter Solstice. It will be the shortest day of the year. A few seconds do not seem to change much. It will still be dark in the morning and dark early in the evening. But we will have turned a corner. After December 21 the days will begin to get progressively longer. There will be a bit more light. That is very appropriate since we are in the season of lights. There are Christmas lights, candle lights, star lights, green lights, red lights, flashing lights, blinking lights but most importantly there is the light of Christ. With the light of Christ and the light shining a bit longer each day we find promise. We have the promise of God who comes to dwell with us. We have the promise of a Savior who will save us from our sins. We have the promise of a redeemed creation. We have the promise of peace, hope, joy and love. Wow. There is a lot going on. I hope you will take a moment this week to remember we have turned the corner. The days will be getting a bit longer, brighter and warmer. Of course before they get much warmer we can expect some cold and snow, but is never lasts. Spring is promised. The warmth of Christ will soon envelope us. Enjoy the week. Have a wonderful Christmas. Have joy in the midst of the on-going work of God in Jesus Christ. It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day to. blessings, steve

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