Sunday, December 27, 2015
Reflections From Sunday Evening
We are drawing toward the end of 2015. From the perspective of many it might be just as well! However it is still important to look for new learnings and places of spiritual growth. One thing that helps keep me going is reading. Like most people there does not always seem to be enough time or energy to read everything I want to read. By the time I read the Scripture - I read the Bible through this year and will get a fresh Bible to start again on January 1 - the necessary reading for sermon preparation and other ministry matters and newspapers, magazines and miscellaneous articles there still needs to be some time for a few good books.
This year I enjoyed two John Grisham novels - Grey Mountain and Rogue Lawyer. I am not sure if Grisham is writing at his best but certainly enjoyable reads for his fans.
"Vanishing Grace" by Philip Yancey is certainly worth reading. We need reminders of the grace that make all things new.
In the last few years I have enjoyed reading Wendell Berry. The rural setting and era resonates with people like me who grew up in rural America. "Nathan Coulter" was an enjoyable read this year.
I always try to keep up with a new Leonard Sweet book. This year I read "From Tablet to Table". Sweet has a way of engaging this technological age with some reminders of how we stay in touch with the living God.
Pema Chodron wrote a book and the title was intriguing enough to draw me in. "Fail, Fail Again, Fail Better." I probably will not stay with this author - totally out of my area - but when we get anxious about not living into the success expectation of our culture it is good to know there is a place for risky living.
I read a book seeking a spiritual awakening in America. Dutch Sheets writes "An Appeal to Heaven". Certainly something to think about.
Currently I am reading Tim Keller's "The Reason for God". A very good book to share with our skeptical friends. I am also starting a book my brother gave me for Christmas. John Ortberg's "All the Places to Go" has already got my attention. He is talking about the open doors God sets before us and the adventure that beckons. I am eager to keep reading and look for the next open door God will set before me (us) in 2016.
Today has been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.
Sunday, December 20, 2015
Reflections From Sunday Evening
It seems like the sun comes up later and goes down earlier these days. But that will begin to change tomorrow (December 21, 2015) That is the Winter Solstice. It will be the shortest day of the year. A few seconds do not seem to change much. It will still be dark in the morning and dark early in the evening. But we will have turned a corner. After December 21 the days will begin to get progressively longer. There will be a bit more light. That is very appropriate since we are in the season of lights. There are Christmas lights, candle lights, star lights, green lights, red lights, flashing lights, blinking lights but most importantly there is the light of Christ. With the light of Christ and the light shining a bit longer each day we find promise. We have the promise of God who comes to dwell with us. We have the promise of a Savior who will save us from our sins. We have the promise of a redeemed creation. We have the promise of peace, hope, joy and love. Wow. There is a lot going on.
I hope you will take a moment this week to remember we have turned the corner. The days will be getting a bit longer, brighter and warmer. Of course before they get much warmer we can expect some cold and snow, but is never lasts. Spring is promised. The warmth of Christ will soon envelope us.
Enjoy the week. Have a wonderful Christmas. Have joy in the midst of the on-going work of God in Jesus Christ.
It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day to.
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Reflections From Sunday Evening
This has been a good day. The Wesleyan Choir presented the Christmas cantata today. What a great job sharing the message of Christmas in a way that touched the hearts of many. Joy filled the air in the sanctuary today.
Later I hit the stores with the family for some Christmas shopping. Maybe that was not the greatest part of the day but hanging out with everyone was really good.
I keep thinking about the Church. This is a time of year when people in many different places in their spiritual lives come to church. There are some who are interested in pursuing the Christian faith. There are many who come to celebrate their faith. It is a joy to share with so many different people.
I am excited to be part of a church that seeks to reach people in many places in their spiritual lives. Some churches tend to focus on one or two ministries while others expand their reach. The church should be about the work of assisting non-believers to become Christians; nominal Christians to become committed Christians; Committed Christians to become informed Christians; Informed Christians to become Engaged Christians and Engaged Christians to become mature Christians. It becomes a circle of faith development.
I could pursue this further and cite examples of churches that focus in particular areas. My vision: Let's reach them all! I do have a real desire to encourage and assist people in coming to faith in Christ. But each area of ministry brings great joy.
May the joy of Jesus fill your hearts as we continue to anticipate and prepare for Christmas.
It's been a great day. Blessings.
Sunday, December 6, 2015
Reflections From Sunday Evening
I wish.
Have you ever sat in church and thought to yourself I wish...?
I wish the preacher would hurry up and stop talking. (Probably won't come true.)
I wish I had a million dollars.
I wish I could find a meaningful way to serve Christ and the Church.
I wish someone would call on...
I wish the doctor's appointment had gone a different way.
I wish I could go to that college.
I wish that guy would ask me out.
I wish no children would ever go to bed hungry.
I wish there was an end to the war in ....
I wish we would sing...
I wish we had a great youth program (Oh yes, we do).
I wish Christmas would hurry up and get here.
I wish life would slow down.
Your wish list could literally go on and on and on. Some of the wishes reflect childhood dreams. Some wishes reflect very grown up issues.
Each wish holds the possibility of becoming more than a wish. Each wish may become a prayer. Think about your wishes and imagine how they would sound in your conversation with God. You can trust God in this. If your wish (your prayer) does not line up with God's best He might say something like "let's think about this wish." Are you sure? Do your really? What if we did this?
There may be other wishes (prayers) where God would say I would love to! I've been waiting for you to ask!
Feel free to come to church next week and think to yourself I wish... But you do not have to wait until then. Before you sleep today you can take a moment and say I wish. You can rise in the morning and begin your day with I wish.
I cannot predict the outcomes but I do know God will be delighted to hear you.
It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day.
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