Sunday, May 31, 2015

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Twenty-five years ago the movie Field of Dreams was released. There is a line in the movie that has become part of our normal conversation. We have also applied the phrase to church life. You have probably guessed the phrase. "If you build it they will come." Actually that phrase comes later in the movie. The original call to Ray Kinsella (Kevin Costner) was a little different. He heard the voice; "If you build it HE will come." We could have a nice discussion about the relationship between father and son and how the movie speaks to the matter. We could also apply this insight to church life. Never build a church based on the idea that simply constructing something will automatically attract people. It is really not about us. It is about HIM. Build it and He will come. In the movie the Field of Dreams opened a magical way for father and son to have an amazing experience. In church life He - Jesus comes among us. Jesus offers us an amazing experience. Later in the movie Ray's daughter reminds everyone that "build it and THEY will come." This is echoed by the James Earl Jones character. "Build it and they will come." (To say nothing of one great soliloquy !) Here is the connection. Build a life, a culture, an environment or a church where Jesus is invited in and totally welcome and HE will come among us. The Living Lord Jesus has such an impact that He will attract others to the life giving faith he inspires. It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too. steve

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