Sunday, May 10, 2015

Reflections From Sunday Evening

We had a blessed day at church today. Always good to join together for Mother's Day. Our game went well. Amazing how many women had the things we were asking for in their purse! This week I was with a group from our church at a conference in Atlanta. One session posed the question; "What would a great leader do?" Many insights. I put what I learned to practice. Evidently we need to replace a filter on our refrigerator. We noticed some water dripping from the refrigerator onto the floor. I ask, what would a great husband do? He would soak up the water (at least some of it) from the floor. Question 2; what would a great wife do? She would fix the problem! It was good to recognize women and especially mother's present in church today. Happy Mother's Day. On another note... As an off hand remark today I mentioned that 10 youth will be going to Honduras this summer. They will work with the poor and help with a construction project. They will contribute toward changing a life which in turn may change another, and another, and another. This is how we contribute toward changing the world! I mentioned that not everyone can go to Honduras but why not sponsor one of these youth? I actually had a family say we want to sponsor one and if you need it we will do two! That made my day. It's been a great day. I hope you've had a great day too. steve

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