Sunday, March 22, 2015

Reflections From Sunday Evening

"You've Got a Friend", "How Sweet it is to be Loved by You" and a host of other songs from the 70's were featured in our message today. We even had a commercial break - "I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony." You probably remember that one. These were some of the songs from the 70's that contributed to our series today. We focused on happy, pleasant songs that brought back some good memories. At the same time we remembered some events of the times. Some of them were not so pleasant. my for st memory of terrorism was the Munich Olympics with the Israli hostages and killings. This was the time of Watergate. There was the Iran hostage matter. Some might say the worst of the decade was Disco music. But seriously, there were some troubles. But we sought to balance things with music. At that time there were other forces at work that were seeking to engage the culture for good, or should I say for God. The people of Platte Woods UMC were stepping out in faith to build a new sanctuary to help meet the needs of people. It was a great step of faith and through the years God has honored that faithfulness. We find ourselves at another point in time where there are many troubling issues and situations. But we are feeling a Spirit prompt to engage this culture with the Gospel. Megan Hayes shared her story of the dear friend who did not "associate church with Easter." There are many wonderful people all around us with similar thoughts. The mission field is right here. I believe the church that chooses to engage today's mission field with the Gospel will write history. May God give us power to go and write history. It's been a great day. I hope you've had a great day too. Steve

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