Sunday, July 14, 2013

Reflections From Sunday Evening

There are a number of things on my mind today. I am thinking about the not guilty verdict for George Zimmerman. I think about the anguish Trayvon Martin's family continues to feel. I appreciate many civic leaders, included Kansas City's Sly James, for speaking words of peace in the midst of a potentially volatile situation. Only those immediately involved in the situation know exactly what happened. However we know that one young man lost his life and another will live with the results of that evening for the rest of his life. Certainly our justice system is not perfect but it strives for fairness. We pray for all involved in this matter. May the peace of God prevail. On a much more pleasant matter -- what a great Vacation Bible School we enjoyed this past week. When you put this week with our previous evening VBS over 500 children were involved in learning the stories of faith and finding friendship with Jesus. We had a great number of adult and teen volunteers. It was an amazing week. Deep appreciation to Pastor Jessica and all who led this week's VBS. Today we had a really good day in worship. Each service was a joy to share. If you have yet to be present for the Music of Life series I hope you make it for Rock and Gospel. Walter does some pretty amazing stuff with these different forms of music. Country was a hit! Today we welcomed Lisa McClellend into our membership through baptism and confession of faith. It is a joy and a sign of God's presence when we share in the birth stages of faith. There is much happening over the next week or two. Approximately 40 of our children will be heading to Wilderness Camp this week. Prayers for Pastor Curtis and Angie with their leadership. We also have a number of other adults serving at camp this week. Pastor Ginger will be in her Course of Study class. Pastor Christine is teaching a class in Course of Study. I too will be teaching at St. Paul School of Theology this week. It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too. steve

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