Sunday, October 2, 2011

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Is there a person or group of people that would bring about resentment should God extend extravagant, generous grace? That was our question as we thought about the "older brother's" response to the Father's treatment of the younger son in the parable. (Luke 15:11-32.)
It actually made the older brother angry to think the Father (God) would forgive and restore the irresponsible younger son.
So he refused to enter the celebration.
Refusal will eventually turn to resentment.
Resentment will turn to rejection.
The next thing you know someone chooses to forfeit a relationship with Christ and the promise of the kingdom.
It's a pretty heavy idea. But we need to think about how we react in the face of such astounding love and grace that God extends. Frankly I do not want anything to stand between Jesus Christ and me. -- Certainly not stubborn refusal to let God be God and love and forgive whoever He chooses!
Actually it is a tremendously liberating thing to step back and let God do God stuff and commit to being a follower of Christ.
It was good to be in church today practicing Christian discipleship. Good worship and good fellowship.
Enjoy the weather - it is about as nice as a day could be.
It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.

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