Sunday, May 15, 2011

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Cindy and I had a great time at Catalyst Dallas this week. If you are not familiar with Catalyst try Googling it. The two-day event (three if you did labs on Wednesday) consisted of a number of speakers (some of the best in the country) and times of worship. There were interviews and antics. It was really good. We were inspired, challenged - learned things - got motivated.
Andy Stanley started and ended the event. Got good practical teaching from one of the best communicators in the church today. I could go through the list of people who challenged us with information about human trafficking (there are more people trapped in slavery today than at any time in history). You'll hear about this. Were inspired by stories of those who committed their lives to Christ and found themselves in mission to bring clean water to a million people.
Overall it was one of the most significant continuing education experiences I have participated in.

An aside -- I had a rough time at our Comfort Inn. First I kept inserting the key card upside down - only figured it out after having the desk clerk re-key it two or three times and actually come up and use it himself. Finally figured it out. I could give you my great reason but don't need to waste space. Then I was having a cup of coffee when I noticed liquid on the table in front of me. After about 5 minutes figured out my cup had sprung a leak. (Another good reason not to use paper coffee cups!) I went down early for breakfast and decided to fix a waffle. Poured the stuff in the iron and flipped it over but nothing happened. It hadn't been turned on so was not warmed up - bottom line - I made a nice mess. So I got some eggs. Took a bite and discovered they were cold - strike two - Went for the biscuit - -picked it up and found it was ice cold - so I had to toss it. Went for cereal and couldn't find any bowls - but I looked and found some - Raisin Bran was fine so all ended well!

Isn't it amazing. In the midst of some of our greatest spiritual moments we very well may encounter challenges and setbacks. But take it from me - a messed up waffle can't detract from a season of worship and hearing the Word. Your setbacks this week need not deter the work of God in your life.

One other thing. Tony Romo came out and shared his faith - pretty neat.

To top it off we had a great day at church today. Worship was inspiring - People were joyful.

It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.

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