Sunday, March 28, 2010

Reflections From Sunday Evening

The emphasis of Palm Sunday from today - between the ride to the city and the cleansing of the Temple - Jesus looks over the Holy City - and weeps - He weeps not for buildings or even temples - he weeps for people who are like "sheep without a shepherd" - he weeps for people struggling from day to day - he weeps for people living under oppression - he weeps for those he loves.
Jump ahead - today - Jesus weeps - for people like you and me.
But he need not always weep - joy comes with the morning. There is a possibility of responding to grace . Here is the idea -- "If recognize the (divine) moment of God's coming" - to the world, to the church , to the community, to your life.
As Jesus rode to the city (recognize the Lord's coming) he comes to us today. I pray you recognize the moment of God's coming to you today. May he meet you at the point in life where you need to meet with Him most.
On another note -- received notice from our District Superintendent, Susan Cox, that she will be going off the district and talking a church. It was her desire to return to pastoral ministry. I certainly wish Susan the absolute best.
On another note --- the only number one seed I picked NOT to make the final four was Duke. Right now they are behind by 5 - make that 4 - but they could end up being the ONLY number one seed to make it. I'm glad I don't have to predict these games for any real reason.
It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.

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