Sunday, March 21, 2010

Reflections From Sunday Evening

It is actually a reflection from half-time but that is another matter.
It was another snowy weekend. I suppose it is a good thing all the snows don't come during the week or our students would be in class until time to start next fall! Anyway, we offered Christ to all who shared with us this day.
It is always a joy when the "footprints" dance group shares in worship. Thanks for today.
We celebrated the sacrament of baptism a 9:30 and 11:00. Very meaningful times of witnessing God in action - initiating a relationship that we expect to grow into a life of discipleship.
We finished our series on the Life of Grace. The image I hope you capture is of being "pressed down, shaken together and running over." This passage in Luke's gospel reminds us that Jesus wants people to get "their money's worth" in life. A farmer would take the grain gleaned and pour it out to sell. A person could fill the container to the brim and it would soon settle. Instead of buying a bushel of grain the amount would be a bit short. But Jesus instucts us to pour the grain in the container, press it down, shake it together and repeat. Pour, press, shake, repeat. Until the measure is full and running over.
This is the life of grace the Lord offers.
Even though our attendance was off 100 people or so - frankly some side streets are nearly impossible to navigate - God's grace was abundant and overflowing.
My prayer for you is to experience the fullness of the Lord's love, mercy, grace and generosity - poured out, pressed down, shaken together and overflowing.
Once received go repeat the process into the lives of others.
It's been a good day so far! I hope your's is a great day too.

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