Sunday, June 14, 2009

Reflections From Sunday Evening

It's been a busy day. Church went very well today. A highlight was Michael Short's special music. Amazing - as was the choir and praise team. What a blessing.

We had our first Thursday night service this week and 72 in attendance. It worked for this week as most of the attendees were out of town this weekend. We think worship is really important and want to do whatever it takes to provide the needed opportunities for people to come into the presence of God. I really appreciate everyone who makes the extra effort to serve.

After church I played (I use the term loosely) in the church golf tournament. Hadn't played in a couple of years - hit some good ones (ok maybe 3 good ones!) but the team of Curtis Olsen, Robbie Robison and Steve Barth carried me pretty well.

Thanks to Nelson Hopper for all the work he and his team do in order to make this annual event such a success.

It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.


Denneys said...

Steve, I thought today's sermon was one of the best you have done at Platte Woods. Your blend of scripture, personal stories, and weaving it all together were GREAT. I must admit, the sermon was not quite what I was expecting but I can't really tell you what I was expecting :-)
I can't wait for next week to see how you will deal with the "characters" from the book.
Thanks for all you do - DonD

Steve Breon said...

Everyone involved made our worship (and the sermon) click. I am surrounded by such great Christians -- what a joy. Thanks for the affirmation. I continue to seek theological/Christian life themes in the Shack.