In 1967 we got a new pastor at my home church in Appleton City. Charles Pence was appointed to our church. He was pastor through my high school days and co-officiated at Cindy and my wedding in 1972. He served our church for 9 years through the 1970's.
I actually met him before he became my pastor. I went to church camp in Trenton, Mo., in the summer of 1966 (I think). We were not allowed to have radios or anything like that. (Could you image a week without technology today!) There was this counselor who played his radio every morning. I thought he must be a pretty good guy. A few months later he was introduced as our pastor.
Charlie was a really good preacher. He was a good pastor. He served our church well. I know he also served in Bolivar, Neosho and North Kansas City. A few years ago I was in Rolla for a meeting and went by to visit. He was retired then. I remember a really nice conversation. Some time back Charlie and Joyce moved to Kansas City.
Thursday I got a call from one of his sons who invited me to come by the house and bring communion. They did not think Charlie had long to live. I gathered with that family -- people I have known for 40 years! It has been nearly that long since I'd seen some of them. We got around his bed and talked. He was so pleased to hear Cindy and I will be married 37 years in August. It's always good to find a marriage that sticks. He remembered me introducing him as the best preacher the old Missouri West Conference had. He told me to give Cindy a hug -- he figured of all people she would need one! He was tired. I took a wafer and dipped it in the cup and put it in his mouth. We all participated in the Lord's Supper. I gave him a hug.
This morning his daugher Judy called and told me Charlie passed away around midnight. He was my preacher. I'll always think of his influence.
There was more to this day. I was blessed in worship today. During the 9:30 service I slipped into the balcony and sat with Cindy and Andrea. We don't do that much. Curtis was a blessing with his message on radical hospitality (and how 'bout that video!).
This afternoon I was at the Pack 314 Eagle Scout Court of Honor. Seven young men received their Eagle award. Among them were Zach Hannon, Tom Prinslow and Joe Richey from our church. It is a joy to see young men who have achieved such success at a young age. They have so much life before them. We are in good hands with young men like this.
One day a long time ago Charlie Pence was ordained into the ministry of the Methodist Church. He influenced others. He served well. Today he enters into the eternal kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. Others will pick up the call and carry the church forward into the days ahead.
Today I saw the cycle of life. Eagle Scouts just beginning - a beloved pastor resting from his labors. All in all it's been a pretty amazing day. With God's grace it's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
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Well-said. I was just five when the Pences moved to town. Charlie was our pastor through my eighth grade year. He obviously had a big influence on me as well. I remember one Sunday he preached on "Who do you say that I am?" He gave an invitation for all who would join Peter's confession of Jesus as Messiah and Son of God to come forward and shake his hand. Everybody in the church went forward.
Brother John
I remember that day as well. I remember Warren McEwan being excited about that. A move of the Spirit!
Your blogs are awesome. This one brought a tear to my eye.
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