Sunday, November 29, 2009

Reflections From Sunday Evening

We gathered this morning for worship and began the season of Advent. For the next few weeks we will be getting ready to celebrate the birth of our Savior. There are some things we may do to help prepare.

1. We may look forward with hope. As certainly as God has remembered His people through history He continues to do so. These are days to remember that though clouds form and struggles ensue God is with us. (Don't mistake the fact that God is with us for some notion that this makes life easy and always a bed of roses. You might want to read the story of Joseph in the book of Genesis and note that when he was sold by his brothers, falsely accused and jailed -- God was with him.) Our hope for today, the future and eternity is in God.

2. We experience joy. Christmas is potentially the most joyful celebration. How can one not find great joy in recognizing that God has come to save us. We look for ways to experience the joy of Christ.

3. We find peace. We pray for peace. World peace -- the peace of Jerusalem -- inner peace -- the peace of Christ. We seek peace in families and relationships. Our peace is grounded in the confidence we have in God. He calms our hearts and stills our souls. Peace.

4. We are grounded in love. God's love - family love - brotherly love - the love the world needs - the love we find growing in our hearts through faith in Christ.

5. It's all about Jesus. When we come together on Christmas Eve we will light the Christ candle. Christ is in the center of our hope, joy, peace and love. Christ is the source of all other light.

So we may build our anticipation of what life looks like when God is vitally involved in all we are about. During this Advent season I encourage you to make it a point to seek out others who may know little or nothing about hope, joy, peace or love. Share the good news. Discover the joy. Experience the Light.

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