Sunday, November 15, 2009

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Do hard things -- Do new things -- Change things. Those were the ideas that surfaced in the message today. I have to say I really like the "rebelution" idea. ( "A teenage rebellion against the low expectations of an ungodly culture." Frankly that could apply to all of us - especially followers of Jesus Christ. I hope we hear the call to raise our expectations of what it is be Christians in our time.
It was a day of joyful worship. I found myself having a great time. The worship touched hearts. Baptisms always remind us of the grace extended to us. I had a feeling that people went home today having been in the presence of God and anticipating ways to raise their expectations of the life of grace.
On another note -- next Sunday at 7:00 we will join with other churches at Kearney UMC and have our annual charge conference. We've almost got our budget and it will be worked with this week by our finance committee. We plan to hold the line but at the same time want to be ready for anything God may have in store for us in the coming months!
It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was indeed a great day and a great message. I heard you and your request for 100 books.