Thursday, February 28, 2019

Reflections From General Conference

48 hours past the adjournment of the special called session of General Conference I wanted to share some thoughts.

The mood was somber. Tension grew. Pain was evident. Frustration and anger materialized.

At the end of the day the delegates voted down the One Church model, which would have removed all discriminatory language referring to homosexuality and given local churches the choice of hosting same sex marriages or not. Clergy would be given the choice to perform same sex marriages or not. Annual conferences would be given choices about ordaining self-avowed homosexuals. As with all these matters it is much more complex but that is the idea.

Later the conference affirmed the Traditional Model, which maintains the current position prohibiting same sex marriage and ordaining and appointing LGBTQ persons.

It was painful to witness LGBTQ persons suffer deep anguish at the outcome. My prayer is that we all commit to sharing the love of Christ with ALL.

At present the actions taken on the Traditional Plan are being reviewed by our Judicial Council. It could be two months before we know what actually was done. Such is the slow pace of action.

Much more took place but we can talk about that later when we can meet together. (Watch for an announcement. (EDITED TO NOTE: The Church Meeting will be held Monday, March 4 at 7 p.m.)

At this point I merely share my sense that PWC is most closely aligned with the principles of One Church. We are a diverse people with convictions across the spectrum. I am personally committed to pursuing a course of action that has the best interest of our church at heart. Certainly not everyone agrees and different opinions strengthen us.

The next months will give us an understanding of where we actually are. My hunch is we will be right where we were going into the conference.

This is an emotional time in the United Methodist Church, this is an emotional time in our own church. But the Holy Spirit is still able to comfort and empower his people.

I expect our church to continue to welcome all people, gay and straight, to know and claim the grace of God in Jesus Christ. I want our LGBTQ friends and family to know that many in our denomination grieve at the harm done. May forgiveness, grace, and reconciliation come.

For now we will all gather to worship, pray, fellowship, serve, and be the people of God. To the LGBTQ community we offer Christ.  We know that when we fail and fall short, Jesus never does. We continue to seek God’s best way forward.



Judy Chaney Slimmer said...

Thank you for posting, Steve. It is helpful to read the reflections of those of who were on the floor of the conference. Thank you for your service as a delegate during these difficult days and for your words of hope and grace as we navigate the ripple effects (or are they waves?). Best to you and your family as you rest and recover. By the way - a few months ago I had the opportunity to hang out in the gathering area of the new building at PW while waiting for my husband, Martin, while he attended a Feed Northland Kids Board meeting. What a great space! Thanks for the hospitality!

Gary Nodler said...

The Church had better not be right where it was before. That would breach faith with all Methodists worldwide and do irreparable damage to our church. The one Church plan was pushed by the same people that wanted this special Conference to settle the issue once and for all. Had they won they would be demanding acceptance of God's will as demonstrated by the Conference. When God did speak through his church in Conference, these same voices now say it is unresolved. It is just this simple Steve, if you can't support the discipline that has yet again been reafirmed, you should leave. You are of course free to beleive whatever you choose, but you are not free as a Methodist Pastor to preach contrary to the beliefs of our United Methodist Church a message contrary to the discipline. I have always considered you a friend, but if you are going to demonstrate a rebellious divisive spirit, I hope you have the integrity to leave. Gary Nodler

Unknown said...

Steve,our church has always been and always will be a welcoming church of anyone who carries God in their heart. Our interpretation of what is right and wrong in our society is brought on by our belief in Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior. I am proud of all the leadership at PWUMC and I know that they will always have the best interests of our church in their hearts. I don't think you have to leave our church because I feel you know what is best for us. This subject is going to take time to work it's way through the process of the judicial council. I look forward to the church meeting on Monday night. Christ had and always shine through the leadership of Platte Woods Church.

Bev said...

I believe Jesus's message is meant for everyone. This vote is divisive. I grieve for the hurt and pain this is causing. I pray you will not get discouraged and will help the church find its way.

Jenny said...

Steve, thank you for posting, I was anxiously awaiting an update and your thoughts on the events of the past few days. I agree with your views that our church is a church for everyone. I look forward to continuing the dialogue. Jenny Ramsey

Darcy said...

We came to Platte Woods many years ago looking for a place that accepted everyone and would teach our children that Jesus is Love. We were not, and still are not "Methodists", but we consider PWUMC our home. We can't imagine raising our children in any other family. I invite people to Platte Woods telling them that everyone is welcome and that judgment is not part of the culture. This vote made me anxious that we were going to have to find a new place to call home. We want our children to know that Jesus means LOVE for EVERYONE. We want them to know that rejection and exclusion of others who may be different than them is not the love that Jesus taught. Platte Woods has never failed our children in that teaching. I have more faith that this will not change after your posting, Pastor Steve. I don't know how all of this official voting, etc. works in the Methodist Church, it is not something I ever really worried about until now. I have faith in you, Pastor Jake, Pastor Briton, Mat, and the other leaders at PWUMC to continue to welcome everyone seeking acceptance, understanding, love, belonging, encouragement, and a relationship with God. Thank God for the amazing love our family has received from our church family over the years when we were in tough places. I can't imagine the dark place we would be if we did not have them. I never want to exclude anyone from having that opportunity. Ultimately, love will win out. I have to believe that.

Ron Daniel said...

Thank you Steve for your position and reassurance of love and welcoming all who seek Christ. Those who would besmirch you and demand adherence to the horrible, backward decision made at general conference can certainly go find an African WCA church to share his hate. God bless you and the rest of the PWUMC clergy.

Unknown said...

Thank you Pastor Steve for the outline of your position and where in your belief the church is headed. As a 50+ year member of this church, it is good to hear that this will always be a place of love and acceptance for all people...Just as Jesus would have done. May we all lean into the love of Jesus Christ, instead of the man made judgmental attitudes that seek to divide us. Love will win, even if it takes time.

Shelly Hill