Sunday, December 23, 2018

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Once again things have turned the corner. Everything is looking up. The sun is higher. The days get longer. We just passed the shortest day of the year.
It is appropriate to celebrate Christmas, the birth of Jesus our Savior, around the Winter Solstice. Light comes. Light lingers longer. Light becomes brighter. The cold and dark of winter will give way to the freshness of spring. Before you know it summer will come then the cycle will start again.
There is a spiritual rhythm to this. When one feels discouraged and confused Jesus comes and brings light. Jesus has a way of extending his grace in life changing ways.
So here we go. Things are looking up. The days grow longer. The cold of winter is yielding to the warmth of spring and summer. And we wrap it all together by celebrating the birth of Christ.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

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