Sunday, December 16, 2018

Reflections From Sunday Evening

The Christmas cantata is a highlight of our year. Once again Walter Bryant, the Wesleyan Choir, and all those who share their talents provided a true worship experience. This year the Good News Company added to the joy. Thank you all!
We listen and hear the music of patriarchs and prophets. We hear the music of the Psalms. People of faith rejoice with music when we celebrate life. There is music at weddings. There is music at celebrations of death and resurrection. There is music in worship week after week.
Did the shepherds sing a tune after the visit of the angels?
Did Mary sing to her new born son?
Was there music at the many celebrations we read of in the life of Jesus?
The Book of Revelation seems to have music resounding in heaven.
The music of heaven comes to earth.
Chances are you will play a cd or some medium of your favorite music tomorrow. Music is part of life. Music is at the heart of faith.
We heard the song of Christ today. And we will keep hearing the song of faith. I pray the songs of our Savior ring in your heart always.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

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