Sunday, December 23, 2018

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Once again things have turned the corner. Everything is looking up. The sun is higher. The days get longer. We just passed the shortest day of the year.
It is appropriate to celebrate Christmas, the birth of Jesus our Savior, around the Winter Solstice. Light comes. Light lingers longer. Light becomes brighter. The cold and dark of winter will give way to the freshness of spring. Before you know it summer will come then the cycle will start again.
There is a spiritual rhythm to this. When one feels discouraged and confused Jesus comes and brings light. Jesus has a way of extending his grace in life changing ways.
So here we go. Things are looking up. The days grow longer. The cold of winter is yielding to the warmth of spring and summer. And we wrap it all together by celebrating the birth of Christ.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Reflections From Sunday Evening

The Christmas cantata is a highlight of our year. Once again Walter Bryant, the Wesleyan Choir, and all those who share their talents provided a true worship experience. This year the Good News Company added to the joy. Thank you all!
We listen and hear the music of patriarchs and prophets. We hear the music of the Psalms. People of faith rejoice with music when we celebrate life. There is music at weddings. There is music at celebrations of death and resurrection. There is music in worship week after week.
Did the shepherds sing a tune after the visit of the angels?
Did Mary sing to her new born son?
Was there music at the many celebrations we read of in the life of Jesus?
The Book of Revelation seems to have music resounding in heaven.
The music of heaven comes to earth.
Chances are you will play a cd or some medium of your favorite music tomorrow. Music is part of life. Music is at the heart of faith.
We heard the song of Christ today. And we will keep hearing the song of faith. I pray the songs of our Savior ring in your heart always.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Reflections From Sunday Evening

A cold does not usually shut me down...except today. I realize preachers need to be able to talk and that was iffy today. So thanks to Jacob and Nancy for taking my responsibilities today.
It was not a wasted morning. I was at church in Atlanta and then joined Platte Woods on-line.
In early days in ministry we would record sermons on cassette tapes. We were doing that here a decade ago. At one church I was on radio. Those preachers who pioneered church on television were visionary. This media stuff seems to be here to stay.
Now churches are going live-stream, on demand, and podcast. To fail to leap into the digital age would be like having great radio when everyone is watching TV. We do not want to be an analogue church in a high def, digital age.
So I watched on-line this morning. The picture was great as was the sound. But of course, it was not like being there. The human touch is not displaced by technology. But technology is a wonderful asset for communicating the Gospel.
It’s been a (I could say so so day) but by grace even today has been a good day.  I hope you’ve had a good day too.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Reflections From Sunday Evening

The theme this month is Technicolor Christmas. Basically we are moving from the black and white world of tules based religion ( law) to the vivid colors of grace and Spirit.
We talked about moving from gray, drab, colorless living to God’s vivid colors.
Anyway, on the way out of church today a person who was with us for the first time stopped to share with me. For years she had been colorblind until a procedure changed everything. She could see colors!
God graciously sends people our way to bring joy, grace, peace, and color - vivid, living, brilliant color.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.