Sunday, August 27, 2017

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Some things that make a Senior Pastor feel great...
An associate who preaches the Word in a meaningful and effective way for an August series.  Thanks Jacob Schneider!
An associate pastor who takes a huge step forward in development of Care Ministries that is including more people than we could have dreamed.  Thank you Nancy Liston!
An administrative staff that keeps the church running day after day in a most gracious way.  Thank you Lori Bogart!
A Director of Student Ministries who got in the baptismal and baptized his first convert today. Blessings Henry and thank you Britton Fields!
I hope you get the idea.  Person after person in our church steps up and serves.  Laity volunteer and touch people's hearts.  Our staff is the greatest.  They continually find new ways to relate Christ to others.
But here are others who make a Senior Pastor feel great.  August was a time for "down time".  We even got clear out of town for a week.  Cindy is a great encourager.  She got me away from things for a bit and took me on hikes over mountains among other things.  We took walks.  We went to ballgames.  We also celebrated our 45th wedding anniversary.  Thanks Cindy Breon!
I am also thankful to our kids and their spouses who joined us in Colorado and have spent other days with us.  Thanks kids!
So hopefully you can see some of the things that make a Senior Pastor feel great.  I encourage you to think about those in your life who have a similar effect on you.
It's been a great day.  I hope you've had a great day too.

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