Sunday, April 16, 2017

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Easter is always a "Wow" and this year was no exception.  Thanks to all for the great music and service that goes into a weekend like this.
The emphasis was on the witnesses to the resurrection.  Peter and the early apostles proved to be credible witnesses to the resurrection of Jesus.  The credible witness of Christians has continued through the ages and we continue to have the Church of Jesus Christ alive and well in the world today.
I was thinking about the idea of credible witness.  Who has credibility with you?  There is this dispute between Charter Cable (Spectrum) and Fox Sports.  Will we continue to get the Royals broadcasts?  Who has more credibility; the cable provider or the producers of the ball games?  I will let you decide.  I have my opinion.
But there are more serious issues in the world.  On this Easter Day I think of where do we find a credible witness to Jesus Christ and the truth of the Gospel?  The American Church is struggling to provide the type of credibility that captures the imagination of people, especially people who do not have a relationship with Christ.  Frankly we give the impression that "church" is primarily about personal rights.  Can be important but is this our best?
Last week two Coptic Churches were bombed.  The Christian minority in Egypt was faced with terror and death.  They responded by reciting the Nicene Creed. (They have strong, clear belief) They exhibited forgiveness - the heart of Christianity.  They continue to provide a witness for Christ in the world today.  It is a witness of faith, truth and the love of Christ.
A credible witness?  Where will our area look to find a credible witness for Christ?  At you?  At me?
It's been a great day.  I hope you've had a great day too.

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