Monday, March 27, 2017

Reflections From Sunday Evening

It was a great time of celebrating the most recent step in God's plan for Platte Woods UMC.  Bishop Farr preached all weekend and consecrated our new space to the glory of God.
I had many thoughts as we walked through the past couple of days.  I am overwhelmed with gratitude for all the people who have prayed and worked to see this project come to where it is.  Amazing!
We were able to recognize many individuals who have contributed so much to God's work.  We recognized the building team, including Harmon Construction, Mantel-Teter architects and all who have been working on the project.
We recognized Leadership Council members who have provided steady support.
We recognized the Building Committee and all the work they have done.
We recognized the staff for leading us through the process.  Outstanding!
We recognized three individuals for special support.  Michael Short has chaired the Building Committee and I am personally indebted to him for his constant encouragement and leadership in this process.  No one knows the hours Michael has given to further God's work.
Lori Bogart has functioned as "project manager" through the process in addition to her already full schedule and responsibilities.  Her steady demeanor and spirit has kept us on track in ways people will never fully understand.  We are all deeply appreciative of Lori.
Cindy Breon - could not have come this far without total support and encouragement on the home front.  She has kept me grounded and encouraged.  She has asked great questions.  She has pointed out the successes.  She has been a rock of support and encouragement.  Wow.
Now we move forward.  There are still some details to finish.  But as Bishop Farr pointed out this weekend we now have a platform from which to launch the new/next thing God wants to do.
I want in on what God has next.  Join me.
It's been a great day.  I hope you've had a good day too.

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