Sunday, March 5, 2017

Reflections From Sunday Evening

I am so thankful for people who serve in the life of the church.  I tend to provide opportunities for people to do so.  For instance, today I failed to bring the questions we ask people when they make professions of faith.  Never thought of it until about time to bring Noah Barajas forward to make his profession of faith.  Thankfully I've done this enough to get the main thing.  Do you accept Jesus Christ and pledge your allegiance to his kingdom?  Noah did so and we celebrated his profession of faith today.  Thankful.
Before that I was able to kick over a cup of coffee that was under my seat.  Thankful for Bill noticing it and coming with paper towels to clean up.  Opportunity to serve.
I also realized that we had forgotten to bring the communion ritual and Jake took off to get it while the service was underway.  Another servant.  Oh well.  Nobody really knew we were scrambling around but together things went well.
I was able to top off the day when Cindy and I went to lunch.  The buffet was great.  Except when I got the biscuit and covered it with sour cream instead of gravy.  (Looked like gravy to me).  Thanks to a gracious waitress.  Second round worked better.
Such is the day.  We hit on all cylinders and we miss fire.  And when the day it done worship has touched the hearts of many; a person has committed their life to Jesus Christ, Holy Communion is celebrated and God's provision is deeply appreciated.
It's been a good day.  I hope you've had a good day too.

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