Sunday, May 1, 2016

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Just got home from Sunday evening service where our graduating seniors were recognized. Wow. What a great group of young people. They introduced themselves and shared their future plans. Impressive! Their parents joined them at the front and others surrounded these soon to graduate seniors, laid hands on them and were led in prayer by Britton Fields, our Youth Minister. It was a powerful moment. This truly is a significant transition in the lives of our young people and their families. Perhaps parents face this moment with a sense of great pride and also a bit of sadness. These kind of changes make things different. We are never the same. We are never the same. This is how it works with transitions in life. We change. We move forward. Here is some good news. This is precisely at the heart of Christian experience. Jesus changes us. We are never the same. With God in our lives we constantly move forward. Things change. We are never the same. So as we pray for our seniors and their families we do so with confidence that God is in the midst of the transitions and they will never be the same -- just better. Embrace the changes Christ is working in your lives as you walk in faith, hope, love and trust. You will never be the same. blessings, steve

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