Sunday, January 24, 2016

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Faith is trusting God to inform the present and control the future. That was a definition used today in the message. As followers of Jesus Christ we trust God to inform our present. That means we think, act and live by faith in our present day. By faith we live today. We also believe that God controls the future. Will Willimon (and probably a zillion others) says only God truly has a future. As we move forward into life (and even into eternal life) we have faith that God will already be there. Faith is amazing. Faith does ask a great deal of us. We have faith in an unseen God. We have faith that in silence we hear God's voice. We have faith that God is in control. We have faith that life matters. We have faith that God directs our steps. We have faith that Jesus has overcome death. Faith. We have faith that we may live faithfully in the present. We have faith that God controls our future. ...And we have no iron-clad guarantees about any of this. But at the end of the day faith is greater than sights and sounds and what we touch. Have faith. It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too. steve

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