Sunday, September 13, 2015

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Saturday evening Cindy, our kids and I went to a football game at Baker University. We like to get out at least once a year and remember where we went to college. It is always fun to walk across the campus and remember the classes we had in the various buildings. We look at the renovated science building and I remember my anatomy and physiology class. There is Parmenter Hall that was nearly condemned when we were there and now is renovated and re-purposed. Case Hall is where we took those education classes and the psychology courses. The library looks very different. Mabee Hall is where I had my physical education classes and was home to all the coaches offices and the basketball court. (I had my own key to that building. I used to wash the football uniforms each week but that is another story). Since we were there a new physical education building/gym has been constructed. The student union looks very different. (Much improved). There is a chapel on campus that was brought over from England. It is a chapel that Margaret Thatcher's father once preached in. We were there several years ago when it was dedicated. There have been many changes. Even with the changes the form of the campus remains. The mission is stronger than ever. The improvements are enhancing the educational experience at Baker University. There was another change. Baker played William Penn University. It was the third all time meeting between the two schools. I actually played in the previous two. The combined scores of those games back in the '70's was William Penn 111 - Baker 0. Believe me, I did my part! The big change came in the game last night. Baker 48 - William Penn 13. That was a definite change. Depending upon your perspective it was either a really good change. (The Baker perspective). Or...a really lousy change. (The William Penn perspective). I will go with the positive and leave it at that. We are experiencing change in and at our church. Depending upon your is either great or a painful disturbance. Will the changes move us forward in our mission? Will the changes result in changed lives for decades to come? Will the changes contribute to many people giving their lives to Christ and experience saving grace and the promise of eternal life? This is why we introduce change. This is why we take risks. We will certainly recognize the previous form of our church and maintain great memories. We will also recognize something new and fresh that will enhance the mission of Jesus Christ. It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too. (Go Chiefs - Go Royals!) steve

1 comment:

Randy Troyer said...

Though my college years did not include football (University of Denver had long abandoned their football program by 1981) I can relate so much to the changes you described. I try to attend a DU hockey game each year but a visit to campus can be kind of a trip for me now. I so want to accept the changes God has made in my life the past three years. I have been welcomed into a church family with much love and though I am unable to attend now I pray daily for the ability to harness my pain and physical ailments to a point where I can once again. I have made many great new friends in my new home, of which I consider you to be one. I so enjoy reading your blog each week and I just wanted you to know I do. When I was injured I was so happy when you came to visit me in the hospital. I will never be able to express how much that meant to me. I have had many hours of darkness since I was hurt and a few bursts of bright light which I consider you to be. I will continue my work to accept the changes in my life and I know I have a great friend in you and great love in my family at PWUMC.