Sunday, August 2, 2015

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Being intrigued by the Fixer Upper concept. I admit to being much more of an ESPN type than HGTV. However our series on Fixer Upper looks good. The idea behind the TV show sounds like a mission statement for the Church! They turn dilapidated but high potential homes into showcases. They work to revitalize whole neighborhoods. They help people who can't see a structures "beauty beyond the blemishes". They work to save homes that look hopeless. They are about renovating the imperfect. They reveal what a house was always intended to be. If we were to look at this from a faith perspective we would see the work of the Spirit in and through the Church. Jesus has a way of using us (the church) to turn dilapidated lives into showcases. The church has the potential to revitalize whole neighborhoods. Faith inspires people to look at their lives and see "beauty beyond the blemishes." The Lord saves those who feel hopeless. Our faith is about renovating the imperfect. Life in the church has a way of revealing to people what they were always intended to be. We have been created in the image of God. We have been created to be in relationship with the Living God. We are invited to the Abundant Life Jesus speaks of. It is all pretty amazing. We are on a renovation mission. You are invited to come along. It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too. steve

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