Sunday, February 16, 2014

Reflections From Sunday Evening

I have been interested in learning some new things about the modern Olympic movement. Today I shared the Olympic goal is to "contribute to building a better and more peaceful world by educating youth through sports..." There is a little more to it than that but hopefully you get the idea. This is the kind of goal that is meant to make a difference. -- build a better and more peaceful world. This is a goal that has focus. Contribute to the better and more peaceful world by educating youth. The focus is upon educating young people. This is a goal that has a method. Contribute to the better and more peaceful world by educating youth through sports. There are books and books written on goal setting. This is another simple way to think about goals. Goals are purposeful, focused and clear in their method. When we think about things like this it becomes part of our thoughts to apply them to various areas of life. Would it make any difference in your life if you identified purpose, focus and method? How might we apply this simple formula to what we do in the life of the Church? Could our programs and ministries have a clear purpose, focus and specific methods? Something to think about. So while you enjoy this final week of the Winter Olympics watch for ideas that could be applied to your life, especially your life of faith. It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too. steve

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