Sunday, February 9, 2014

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Thanks to Pastor Ginger for preaching these last two weeks. Who would have taken her for a "gym rat!" From the Super Bowl to the Olympics we find a world caught up in sports. In the next couple of weeks I will take some Olympic goals and values and apply them to our Christian faith. The Olympics have a wonderful goal of "building a better and more peaceful world by educating youth through sports." We may certainly build on that goal. Followers of Jesus Christ are building a better and more peaceful world. We share the faith and God moves in the power of the Spirit. Looking forward to the next couple of weeks. Today we enjoyed the scouts pancake breakfast. It was great to see these young men serving. The scouts and all their adult leaders do their part to help build a better and more peaceful world. We begin to see how we join together to further God's purposes. We preach. We serve. We teach. We learn. We grow in faith. We all do our part to serve God and help build a better and more peaceful world through all the means at our disposal in the power of the Holy Spirit. When we share the faith things change. I recently met a young Chinese man at the St. Paul School of Theology offices. He was looking into enrolling in seminary. I struck up a conversation with him. He told me he was a "seeker." He was not raised as a Christian but now he is looking to become one. I asked him what it would take for him to become a Christian. He told me he was going to read the Bible through three times and then he would be a Christian! That sound good to me but I think we become "Christian" in a different way. I told him to read the resurrection story and believe in Jesus and he would be a Christian! I look forward to running across his path again. Together we share, we love, we witness, we help build a better more peaceful world...might we say the Kingdom of God. It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too. steve

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