Sunday, December 1, 2013

Reflections From Sunday Evening

We enter the Advent season and realize that during these next few weeks we are likely to have a number of people visit church. We may not think much about it but with an influx of new people dynamics change. This makes me ask three questions. (And a few more to go with them.) 1. To whom do we speak? Do we speak primarily to long time church members? Do we speak primarily to committed Christians? Do we speak primarily to nominal Christians? Do we speak primarily to skeptics? Do we speak primarily to seekers? This is not an exhaustive list but it may get us thinking. 2. To whom do we want to speak? Is there another group of people we long to reach? Is there an age group that is missing we seek to reach? Do we really want to speak primarily to people like us? 3. To whom will we speak? This is a loaded question. It will cause us to ask a number of other questions. What are we speaking? What does our architecture say about us? What do the songs we sing say about us? What does the message imply? I hope to spend some time in the coming months talking about these questions and many others. This is a great time in the Church Year. I pray we be ready, willing and able to speak to new people God brings our way. Its been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too. steve

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great questions - and very worthwhile for us to try to answer.