Sunday, August 11, 2013

Reflections From Sunday Evening

It's been a busy vacation week for Cindy and me. Monday found us in Appleton City. Met brother John and his daughter and son to help load a piano. Thankfully there was plenty of help! Of course they needed me to "steady" the job. Tuesday to Kimberly City and our friends Clif and Dee Crockett. Pierce Arrow show that evening. The next day watched it rain and then toured the dam at Table Rock. Then a trip to Silver Dollar City. Ended the day at Lambert's for "throwed rolls" before driving back to K.C. Thursday evening went to dinner with friends at Cinzettis. Friday we went to Union Station for the Pirate exhibit. Saturday was a birthday dinner at daughter Andrea's. Today we went to church in Raymore where they celebrated their 132 year heritage. Good to see friends from our time serving there from 1990-95. We had to hurry from there to get to the New Theatre to meet Cindy's mom and sister for the Buddy Holly Story. This taking time off stuff is exhausting! Another week to "rest." Maybe I will catch my breath this week. Better catch the Royals while they are hot! In the midst of all this I have found some time to walk and pray and do some reflection. Emerging insights! Looking forward to further development regarding what God is up to these days. I am getting eager to get back to it - feeling the Spirit stirring! But first ...another week to relax. It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too. steve

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