On another note let me share some good news for our church as we conclude 2010 and enter 2011.
We ended the year on a strong note:
- 2,200 participated in our Christmas Eve Candlelight services. The weather certainly helped with this great turnout. It is a strong indication that people are eager to experience the presence of God in their lives.
- Our church finances finished up strong
- 2010 giving was up 11% over the previous year.
- 2010 giving exceeded budget by 6%.
- 2010 expenses actually came in $20,000 below budget. (Our church staff does a great job with spending.)
- 2011 pledge cards indicate an increase of over $150,000 from last year.
- There were 25 more pledge cards returned for 2011 than we had last year. This includes those who participate in ACH giving.
- 69 people "stepped up" their giving for 2011. This is seven more stepping up than we had last year.
So you get the idea that the church responded with great generosity in 2010. I thank God for everyone who shares in our ministry. We are truly in a position to take positive steps forward as we move into a new year.
On a down note our average attendance in worship decreased by three percent. We averaged 791 people per weekend in 2010. (Undoubtedly the severe weather in January and February last year hurt these numbers.) We did finish the year on an upswing, so hopefully we will build momentum and see an increase in participation this year.
So what does all this say to us as we enter 2011? We will be implementing prescriptions from our Healthy Church Initiative. We will have opportunities to respond to the challenge to reach new people for Christ. We will have opportunities to continue to strengthen our ministries that lead us to deeper commitment to Jesus Christ. We will have opportunities to upgrade our facility and our ministries.
This week people will be nominated for our new Church Leadership Council. Soon we will be fully engaged in the work of setting the course for our church to move into God's preferred future.
I have deep appreciation for all who pray, worship, serve, give and express the love of Christ in and through Platte Woods United Methodist Church. It is truly an honor to be your pastor.
It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.
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