Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve

Thought I'd share a couple of reflections from 2010 - only a few more hours to go!

Our daughter Andrea married Marcus Coleman this year. I'd say that was the highlight of the year for Cindy and me. It was great.

Had a couple of sermon series that seemed to touch a responsive chord - "Defining Moments" (Joseph had a bunch of them) - "TV Game Shows."

Once again I read the Bible through.

Insight from God: "Why do you keep asking for what you already have?" (Think about it.)

Read 30 books this year. Number 1 - "The Next Christians" by Gabe Lyons. Number 2? "Linchpin" by Seth Godin.

The church year started off shaken by bad weather. If I'd trusted God more it would have been much easier on me! By the end of the year we had recovered nicely and finished the year strong.
The Healthy Church Initiative was very positive. It was encouraging to see our congregation approve the recommendations by a wide margin. (Now off to work.)

As I look to 2011 I am excited about what God has in store. It's always great to look ahead with confidence and faith. As a matter of fact I've got a sense that the rest of this decade is going to be significant for God's plans and purposes.

Have a safe evening. Have a Happy New Year.

God bless.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Reflections From Sunday Evening

It's been a really good weekend. We had over 2,200 people attend our Christmas Eve candlelight services. Many guests shared with us. The Spirit was alive and encouraging as we celebrated the birth of Jesus. Many people served during the services, which was great. Many thanks to all who brought music, ushered, greeted people, served communion, lit candles and simply brought joy to our church.

On Christmas Day several gathered and prepared about 100 meals that we then shared with people working at convenience stores, motels and other places where people were working on the holiday. We got good reports of true appreciation for the meals. I was blessed seeing our church in action.

Today capped off the weekend as Curtis brought the message and the youth band led our worship.

It's been a good year for our church. I'll let you know how everything came out as far as attendance and offerings and those sort of things. But what I have seen is a great spirit in our church. There seems to be a little more bounce in our step - a few more smiles all around - a greater eagerness to serve others - and deep willingness to care for those who hurt and experience need. I've got a feeling we are in for a special year as we move forward.

I want to thank everyone who shared expressions of grace with our staff and with Cindy and me. Popcorn, gift certificates, notes and many expressions of grace are deeply appreciated.

Most of our church staff will be taking some time off this week. We are grateful for a few days to recharge.

It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.


Sunday, December 19, 2010

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Just back from the Grizzell family Christmas! Had a very enjoyable day with Cindy's family. Picked up a couple of coffee mugs in the guys' gift exchange. No one tried to take them away from me (part of the rules of the game) and I'm not sure where I'll put them - but a family gift is a gift!

Watched the Chiefs take care of business and win in St. Louis. Always interesting when a team controls its own destiny. 1 down and 2 to go.

Not sure how I feel about the Royals trade of Zack Greinke. You hate to trade a homegrown legitimate star. However he seemed to lose interest in K.C. last year and there are no guarantees he will pick up his Cy Young form. So I'd say it was best to trade him. I'm not sure what we get in return. The shortstop hit .235. The other guys may or may not be good. What you'd like is somebody who will be really good. But hey, I'm glad I'm not the general manager who has to make all those decisions.

Which brings me to another point. Decisions. There were a lot of great decisions this morning at church. The large number of people who attended made a good decision. That's because everyone present had the opportunity to experience the presence of God.

Walter made a great decision when he invited Tayla to come and sing with us today. It was great.

The point was made that God entrusts us with free will, ability to make choices and the responsibilty to make decisions. None of this needs to undermine the active work of God in the world and in our lives. But we are not going through life as "robots" simply living out what was predetermined before we ever lived. (Some think this way - we Methodist type folks don't.)

My prayer for you this week is that you find God's grace at work in your life and find his power in your decision making. May your decision make it possible for you to show up at the places where God is interesting the world and the life of people.

Remember our Candlelight services. If you travel or go to Christmas Eve services with family or at other places consider coming this Wednesday, December 22 at 7:00 for our candlelight service. On Christmas Eve we start at 3:00. Curtis and Angie will lead that service with a special emphasis on children. At 5:00 we have two services. There will be a youth-led service in Memorial Hall. The message will be my Christmas Eve sermon shown on video. I hope a number of people will choose to worship in that setting. The sanctuary service will be followed by services at 7:00, 9:00, and 11:00. Plan to make this an important part of your Christmas celebration.

We will receive an offering at each service. On Christmas Eve all our offering goes to help people through the year. Your generosity will make a difference each month as we seek to work with God in redemptive ways in the life of people.

It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Ever have one of those days? Woke this morning with the temperature in the house 10 degrees lower than the thermostat was set. After checking out a couple of things made a call. Did you know there are companies that do service 24 hours a day, seven days a week? I consider it a real blessing to have a warm home.

On the way out of our subdivision I realized (too late) the hill was pretty slick. Thankfully there was nobody else out at the time I was so I could slide through the intersection and into the field across the street. Somehow backed right out and eventually made it up to the road to church. About then the tire went flat. I appreciate Heartland Church of Christ for having a parking lot for me to leave my car in. (I left a message on their answering machine. Sorry I wasn't asking for service times or something like that. Just telling them why there was a car in their parking lot when they got to church.) A quick call and Kenny came from church to give me a ride.

So ... nice start to the day. But things certainly picked up from there.

Curtis and Ginger led us through scriptures and Christmas carols at 8:15.

The Wesleyan Choir shared the cantata at 9:30 and 11:00. (I got to be the narrator!)

Between services someone had heard about my flat tire adventure and asked if he could change my tire for me. (I figured I'd get towed after church.) What a blessing for Marty Kanne and Paul McLaughlin to go change my tire! That made it much easier to head out after church and become the proud owner of two new tires!

So ... now I'm in a warm house. I am mindful of those without these blessings I often take for granted.

I have been on the receiving end of people doing acts of kindness.

The cantata spoke and sang words of peace into my heart.

I also got a gentle reminder that many people come to church each week with a bunch of distractions in their lives. It is a miracle that we get together in the presence of God and in many unique ways experience grace.

So all in all - it's been a good day. (In spite of the beating the Chiefs are taking at the moment.) Some challenges - countered by blessings. I hope you've had a good day.


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Today we talked about orienting our lives by the North Star. Navigators and mapmakers locate the North Star and are able to determine their location and plot their course. For our purposes we are looking at Jesus, our true north star.

We talked about when the earth "wobbles" the appearance of the North Star will appear nearer or more distant - brighter or dimmer. The same could be said for our relationship with Christ. We all "wobble" from time to time. We may find ourselves at a moment in life where Jesus is bright and near or possibly dim and distant. The good news is that God has come near in Jesus Christ. As we orient our lives to the North Star - Jesus - we will find Him nearer and brighter.

The children had a neat program this evening. There is nothing like the joy expressed in these young lives. Thanks to all who make this possible.

We had a good day at church. I thought the highlight was recognizing Walter Bryant and the article about him in the Kansas City Star today. Check it out at

It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too.