Sunday, December 8, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

The Wesleyan Choir presented the annual Christmas cantata today. “ Almost There”.
The story the music communicated was life giving. The musical talent in our choir is awesome. Person after person shared and what a blessing this was. Walter Bryant did a great job. (We sometimes take his amazing talent for granted.  Not this year. Thank you, Walter).
When I was growing up my home church held an annual Christmas vespers. That was the time each year our church was full. It was an important tradition.
My mom always played the piano. We lit a candle. A Christmas memory.
It is only in these last few years I have truly begun to grasp how very gifted people who share these musical talents really are. The message of the gospel comes through so clearly.
What a joy.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

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