Sunday, December 22, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

The good news is that yesterday (December 21) was the shortest day of the year. The sun came out later and went down earlier than any other day. It was the darkest day of the year. Winter is now.
The good news is we have turned the corner. Today the sun will shine a bit longer and brighter.
Since ancient times people have recognized the “Winter Solstice”. In a world of war, poverty, and death emerged signs of hope. The days gradually lengthen with the sun rising a little earlier and staying out a little longer. There is more light and warmth. The anticipation of spring builds. New seasons of planting and harvesting are coming.
These signs in nature speak to the Gospel. We turn a corner in a world of despair and find signs of hope.
Into our darkness a light has come. A child is born. Christ has moved in among us.
Christmas is our celebration of turning the winter corner and finding wondrous hope born into our hearts.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

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