Sunday, September 1, 2019

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Gift + Work = Fruitful service.
On this Labor Day weekend it seems logical to consider the place of work in the Christian life.
In the very beginning Adam and Eve were not placed in the Garden of Eden on a permanent vacation. The call was to work the garden. God gave the gift. God allowed the man and woman to labor and the fruit of the garden was produced. In the original context work was a good gift of God’s.
God continues to gift people. We are given spiritual gifts. God gifts us with talents and abilities. God even gives us gifts of interests.
When we do not waste God’s gifts but put them to work, fruitful service is the result.
It seems like a nice reminder as we reflect on the place of labor in our world. Maybe we will rediscover the gift of work God gives and find joy in our labors.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day too.

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