Sunday, September 30, 2018

Reflections From Sunday Evening

I spent 16 hours this weekend, with a small group of church leaders and a consultant with thr Unstuck Church group. It was an in-depth conversation with the basic goal of moving toward ways of reaching unchurched people in our mission field. For our church to do and be what we believe God wants will result in reaching hundreds of new people who do not have a relationship with Jesus. It is an exciting endeavor. It is challenging. It is future oriented.
One observation on our work was there was no talk about “why people don’t come to church” or that many people are opting out of church.
Mark Morgan and others in the Unstuck group are in 100’s of churches. They work with churches of various sizes. They see churches after churches that are growing, making new disciples of Jesus Christ. It can be done. It is being done.
Of course these things are not easy. But here we go. Together we seek God’s leading as we move forward to lead people to join us in following Jesus.
It’s been a good day. I hope you’ve had a good day to.

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