Sunday, September 16, 2018

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Progressions of faith...When we think about where God is interacting in our lives we move from thought to thought.  Perhaps we are desiring that God direct us in some activity.  Maybe we are praying for God's healing or some other provision.
We begin with God.  Our thoughts and hearts turn to God. 
We have been taught that God is all powerful so perhaps our first thought is that God COULD.  God could do what I am preparing to ask for/about.
From there a general belief kicks in.  God could and God CAN.  There is nothing to hard for God.  God is able. 
With that settled we move toward making our request personal.  With the understanding that God could and can, we think God MIGHT answer my prayer and move powerfully in my life.
From that point the matter of faith begins to stir more fully.  We do not grunt and groan until faith "kicks in" but something happens in us.  Perhaps it is a result of all those days in prayer and scripture reading.  Maybe our regular practice of worship speaks into our hearts.  Maybe we simply get this great sense of God's presence in our lives that seems to come down from heaven.  Suddenly we believe that the God who could, can, and might, WILL.  God will hear my prayer.  God will answer these prayers.  God will.
Then we find ourselves knowing that God IS.  God is real.  God is alive.  God is at work.  God is personal.  God is.
It's been a good day.  I hope you've had a good day too.

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