Sunday, January 21, 2018

Reflections From Sunday Evening

"Blame".  There is plenty of that going around these days.  It seems like the default response in our political climate.  It is not only the political climate.  It seems like blame is where we go when there is a difference of opinion, perspective, or disagreement.
I wondered what the opposite of blame might be.  I found a long list of antonyms.  Among them are "blessing", "praise", and "absolve".
Wouldn't that be crazy.  When we see things differently rather than "blame" someone we "bless" them?  Who would do that?  Who would suggest such a thing?  Oh yes, Jesus said things like that.  "Bless those who curse you and pray for those mistreat you."  (Luke 6:28) 
Would there be any way to actually praise those who disagree with you? 
Who would absolve someone of wrong?
As I think about these things it reminds me of how counter-culture the Gospel truly is.  We simply do not do these things.  But what if we did?
What if rather than blame we listened and learned? 
What if rather than blame we sought common ground?
What if rather than blame we committed to a higher good?
Maybe I should try to do something like that this week.  Perhaps that might make the kingdom of God a bit clearer.  I guess I won't know unless I try.
In the meantime, who can I blame for the Patriots going to yet another Super Bowl?
It's been a good day.  I hope you've had a good day too.

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