Sunday, January 7, 2018

Reflections From Sunday Evening

I have this desire to go off on a rant about the Kansas City Chiefs...but that would not be helpful.  It would mean I would have to write about things like "Dealing with Defeat", "Facing Failure", "Disappointment" get the idea.  Who wants to think about things like that?
Of course there are always "life lessons" in sports but they should lean more toward the "thrill of victory", "Winning in life"...things like that. 
Oh well.
Maybe it would be better to revisit our new sermon series.  "Reflecting Hope".
We are looking at Reflecting Hope the Midst of...
We will look at things like violence, failure, suffering, isolation and the fear of the Lord. 
The big point is "External factors may trigger internal anxieties and produce unwarranted fears."  Rather than spend our life, time, and energy focused on these external factors, most of which we have little to no control over, we look to our faith and find what a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ brings forth.  In one word Christ brings Hope.  We become reflectors of hope with the power to influence those external factors.  Go change your world.
It's been a good day.  I hope you've had a good day too.

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