Sunday, July 3, 2016

Reflections From Sunday Evening

Forty years ago today Cindy and I were with a couple from Cassville, Mo. at a retreat in a place called Rabbit Ridge Mississippi.  Tommy Woods was a lay witness mission coordinator who hosted the weekend retreat on the 4th of July weekend in 1976.  On Saturday night Jimmy Buskirk preached a sermon titled "Where Do You Live?"  It was based on Acts 8 where Phillip was among those disciples who were scattered from Jerusalem and he went to Samaria. There he preached the Gospel of Jesus and people believed.  Word got back to Jerusalem and they sent Peter and John to see what God was doing.  At that point they shared with the Samaritans the Holy Spirit and the new believers were filled with the Spirit.  The message ended with an invitation: Could you be in Samaria before Phillip came sharing the Good News?  Could you be in Samaria after Phillip but before the Apostles came sharing the Holy Spirit?  Or could you have the Spirit but seek a fresh filling?  Then he said, "Come put your knees in the sawdust, make your commitment to God and tell someone before you sleep tonight."
That night I said yes to a call I had been sensing for several months.  In essence I said yes to God, that I would be a preacher if he wanted me to be one, but God would have to make me one because I certainly could not do it myself.
Forty years...
There were times when I thought I was pretty good, only to be remained of how needy I am.
There were more mistakes than I can count and a few times it worked out that I got it right.
There are been ups and downs.  There have been seasons of victory and defeat.  There have been opportunities missed and opportunities claimed.
In forty years of ministry I have slipped into trying to make things happen myself and also experienced trust in the Holy Spirit and seen God do some pretty amazing things.
In forty years of ministry I have felt God's grace and seen the hand of God directing our steps.
In forty years of ministry I have been humbled.
In forty years of ministry I have come to trust in the Lord more and more.
It was an amazing weekend forty years ago.  It began the greatest journey of faith I could possibly imagine - and then some.
On this 4th of July weekend I have much to be thankful for.  There is much to reflect on.  In addition to re-reading the Constitution and Declaration of Independence I get to reflect on a life-changing call to ministry that is resulting in God elevating the trajectory of Cindy and my life in wonderful ways.
It's been a great day.  I hope you've had a good day to.

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