Sunday, February 22, 2015

Reflections From Sunday Evening

A couple of things today. Take the challenge to read 4 Gospels in 40 Days. You can download a reading plan from a number of sources. Check #LENTCHALLENGE. That should take you to Margaret Feinberg's page to direct you. Another option is YouVersion and their 40 Days. The point is we will read the 4 Gospels in the 40 days of Lent. Tell your friends. You don't need to pay attention to details. (Not this month.) When you come to a hard to understand passage just move on. Read the 4 Gospel in a broad stroke and look for the Big Idea(s) that surface. I am praying that as we read God's Word the Holy Spirit will surprise us and literally change lives. 4 Gospels in 40 Days. Today in our prayers we prayed for the Persecuted Church. 21 Coptic Christians were recently beheaded by ISIS. We stand with our brothers and sisters in Christ who suffer for the name of Christ. These courageous Christians bowed before the sword and received the Crown of Glory. We pray against the evil that is rampant in our world today. For a thoughtful resource go to Gabe Lyons Call for Action. Once again our generation will learn the "persecution of Christians wakes a slumbering Church." (Gabe Lyons) Today was a blessing as we gathered to worship. I sensed the Holy Spirit coming to surprise us with His presence. Next week we want everyone to make a special effort to come to church and bring someone with you. We will celebrate Holy Communion and offer healing prayer for everyone who comes. We expect God to move in our midst. It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too. steve

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