Sunday, October 5, 2014

Reflections From Sunday Evening

The question of our day was "Are there things so small and so insignificant we should not bother God with them? There are many people who would imagine God not caring or perhaps even being offended were we to bring Him some of these "insignificant" things. Since the Age of the Enlightenment it seems this attitude has grown. It comes down to our image of the nature and character of God. If God is distant and impersonal a case could be made for not bothering God with the supposed insignificant things. But we think differently of God. We believe God to be a personal God and deeply concerned with ALL things in our life. God is very interested in all the circumstances and situations we face. God cares. If this is true we not only may but should involve the Lord in all things in our lives. The option offered is found in a prayer of surrender. "Lord Jesus, be actively and redemptively involved in all areas and aspects of my life." How would your life be different with Jesus Christ deeply involved in all areas of your life? I invite you to give it a try this week. It's been a good day. I hope you've had a good day too. steve

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