Sunday, October 14, 2012

Reflections From Sunday Evening

This has been a busy weekned. I had the privilege of teaching a class at St. Paul School of Theology. Actually I was teaching "Theology in the Wesleyan Spirit" to a group of local pastors in the Course of Study. This is the educational requirement for those serving as local pastors. Among the group were bi-vocational ministers, some serving in a part-time role, some full-time and some in staff settings. These men and women are true servants of the Gospel They were a great group. It was a joy to be able to share in their ministry. The local pastor is very important to the United Methodist Church today. In the earliest days of the Methodist movement John Wesley and later Francis Asbury would always be looking for people like this to serve the revival. Our local pastor's have a true heart for God and are very effective in giving leadership in many of our churches, especially many of our smaller membership churches. On another note - Today at church we had a great day. It is always a highlight when our 3rd grade students receive their Bible. I believe we passed out 49 Bibles today. These young people begin reading the Word and embarking on a lifetime of Christian Discipleship. On yet another note - The call today was make a life plan. Specifically an "after" plan. The "after" refers to after you experience God stepping into your life in a redemptive, life-changing way. God has a path for you to follow. It's been a great day. I hope you've had a good day too. steve

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